1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



pounds raisins, 6 ounces tincture of kino, 1 pound loaf sugar, 1 ounce acetic ether; mix, and colour.

No. 301. Cognac Brandy,

No. 5. Take 30 gallons pure sweet liquor, 3 ounces acetic ether, 3 ounces acetic acid, 5 ounces tincture of kino, 7| pounds raisins, 3 pints simple syrup ; mix, and let it stand 2 weeks, then draw it off clear.

No. 302. Rochelle Brandy.

No. 2. Take 30 gallons pure rectified whiskey, 7J gallons pure imported Rochelle brandy, 2J drachms oil of cognac, 2 ounces cenanthic acid, IJ- ounces acetic ether, j ounce acetic acid, 6 ounces tincture of kino; mix, and colour with sugar-colouring.

No. 303. Bordeaux Brandy.

Take 30 gallons sweet liquor, 15 degrees above proof, TJ gallons pure Bordeaux brand}^, J ounce oil of cognac, 2 ounces cenanthic acid, 4| ounces acetic ether, 3 ounces tincture of kino, IJ quarts simple syrup. Mix and colour.

No. 304. Cherry Brandy.

No. 1. Take 10 gallons pure rectified whiskey, proof, 2 gallons water, 9 pounds sugar, J pound bruised bit- ter almonds, J ounce tincture of cardamom-seed, J

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