1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



but omit giviug the mercurial ball after the

da^'s ;

first time.

No. 440. Piirging-Ball for Worms.

Take of Barbadoes aloes 8 drachms, ginger, Cas- tile soap, and oil of savin, each, 2 drachms, syrup of buckthorn sufficient to make them into a ball. This purge is calculated for a strong horse ; but it may be made weaker by lessening the quantity of aloes to 6 or 7 drachms, which is in general suffi- cient after a mercurial ball. The horse should have mashes, warm water, and proper exercise. No. 441. Stomach-Drink after the Expulsion of the Worms. Take of compound spirit of ammonia, and sweet spirits of nitre, each 1 ounce, gentian-root, in powder, \\ ounces, Peruvian bark and hicra-picra, in powder, each, I ounce, horse-spice 2 ounces. Mix the whole in .3 pints of ale, and divide into 3 parts, and give one part every morning, fiisting. Two hours after, give him a mash and warm water. The virtues of this drink deserve the highest recom- mendation in restoring horses which have been much reduced by some long-continued disease, as in lowness ot spirits, debility, and relaxation of the solids, a loss of appetite, and for such also as are over-ridden either in the field or on the road. No. 442. Balls for the Staggers. Take of James's powder 2 drachms, turmeric and cream of tartar, each, \ ounce. Make them into a


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