1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart
In speaking of the medicines for gripes, or the flatulent colic, sometimes termed fret, Mr. White mentions, '' Domestic remedies may be employed when proper medicines cannot be procured in time. For this purpose a draught may be readily made up of a pint of strong peppermint-water, with about 4 ounces of gin, and any kind of spice." Another. — A pint of Port wine, with spice or ginger. Another. — Half a pint of gin diluted with 4 ounces water, and a little ginger. Another. — Take of Epsom salts, 6 ounces ; Castile soap, sliced, 2 ounces. Dissolve them in IJ pints warm gruel ; then add tincture of opium, J ounce oil of juniper, 2 drachms. Mix, and give them new- milk- warm. This drink may be repeated every 4 or 5 hours, till the symptoms begin to abate. No. 450. The same ichen on a Journey, Take tincture of opium, and oil of jumper, each, 2 drachms ; sweet spirits of nitre, tincture of benzoin, and aromatic spirit of ammonia, each \ ounce. Mix them together in a bottle for one drink, and give it in a pint of warm gruel. For the colic, flatulency, and colicky pains of the intestines, this drink will be found a valuable cordial. Another. — The complaint may . oe removed by warm beer and ginger, or a cordia. ball mixed with warm beer. It is necessary to repeat the caution given respect-
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