1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart


No. 502.

Another way to No. 2. To ^ bushel skinned tomatoes, add 1 quart good vinegar, 1 pound salt, J pound black pepper, 2 ounces African cayenne, J pound allspice, 6 onions, 1 ounce cloves, and 2 pounds brown sugar. Boil this mass for 3 hours, constantly stirring, it to keep make Tomato Catsup.

When cool, strain it through a

from burning.


line sieve or coarse cloth, and bottle it for use. Many persons omit the vinegar in this preparation

No. 503.

Hoiv to make Cucumber Catsup. Take 3 dozens full-grown cucumbers and 8 white onions. Peel the onions and cucumbers, and then chop them as line as possible. Sprinkle on j pint line salt; put the whole in a sieve, and let it drain 12 hours ; then take a teacupful of mustard- seed, j- teacupful ground black pepper, and mix them well wi^th the cucumbers and onions. Put the whole into a stone jar with the strongest vine- gar; close it up tightly for 3 days, and it is fit for use. It will keep for years.

No. 504. How to destroy a Foul Smell.

Dissolve 1 pound copperas (green) in 1 quart water, and pour down a privy, will effectually con- centrate and destroy the foulest smells. For water- closets aboard ships and steamboats, about hotels and other public places, there is nothing so nice to

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