1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart
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well together.
No. 526. A Cure for Dysentery.
No. 2. Take 1 tablespoonful common salt, mix it with 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar, and pour upon it a half-pint of water, either hot or cold, (only let it be taken cold.) A wineglassfuli of this mixture in the above proportions, taken every half-hour, will be found quite efficacious in curing dysentery. If the stomach be nauseated, a wineglassful taken every hour will suffice. For children, the quantity should be a teaspoonful of salt and one of vinegar, in a teacupful of water. No. 3. Take new-churned butter, before it is washed or salted, clarify over the fire and skim off all the milky particles, add brandy to preserve it, and loaf sugar to sweeten : let the patient (an adult) take 2 table- spoonfuls twice a day. No. 528. A Cure for Dysentery and Bloody Flux. Take 2 tablespoonfuls elixir salutis, 1 tablespoon- ful castor-oil, and 1 tablespoonful loaf sugar ; add to these 4 tablespoonfuls boiling water. Skim, and drink hot. 21 » No. 527. Another for Dysentery.
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