1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



No. 568.

Milk, to Preserve, When milk contained in wire-corked bottles ig heated to the boiling-point in a water-bath, the oxygen of the included small portion of air under the cork seems to be carbonated, and the milk will afterwards keep fresh, — it is said, for a year or two.

No. 569. Alum for the Hog Cholera,

— " Last May my hogs were attacked

A writer says,

with hog cholera; and, upon mentioning it to a friend, he spoke of a suggestion published in the Cincinnati papers, advising the use of alum. I pro- cured some, made a strong solution, (all the water would bear,) and drenched all I found with the disease upon them, and gave to the lot (about 100 head) a pound of pulverized alum in some mill-feed each day for two weeks, by which time all remain- ing seemed healthy. Out of twenty-two drenched with one pint of the solution to each, administered with the assistance of a rope behind the tusks, and a horn with the small end sawed off', I lost five head, and, with the exception of two, the remaining seventeen appear to have entirely recovered to a healthy, thrifty condition. Some of those which have recovered were in the last stage, vomiting, with red blotches on the skin, and bleeding at the nose, which I have always considered the last stage of the disease. The above is but little cost, and, if it is as successful as with me, is well worth the trial."

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