1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart
No. 573.
Shaving-Soap, Best ever Invented. Take 4i pouuds white bar soap, 1 quart rain- water, 1 gill beef's gall, and 1 gill spirits of turpen- tine; cut the soap thin, and boil five minutes, stir while boiling, and colour with i ounce vermilion. Scent with oil of rose or ahnond.
No. 574. Hair- Oil.
Take 1 gallon alcohol 95 per cent., 1 pint castor-oil, or as much as the alcohol will dissolve: add 1 ounce oil of cinnamon, or as much as will bring to the desired flavour. No. 575. Cheap Outside Paint. Take 2 parts (in bulk) of water-lime ground fine, 1 part (in bulk) of white lead ground in oil. Mix them thoroughly, by adding best boiled linseed-oil enough to prepare it to pass through a paint-mill, after which temper with oil till it can be applied v/ith a common paint-brush. Make any colour to It will last three times as long as lead paint, suit.
and cost not one-fourth as much.
It is superior.
No. 576. How to cleaii Silver Articles.
The best way to clean silver articles is to wash them first with ^^arm water and soap, and afterwards 2K
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