1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart




stop it tightly, and leave it to dissolve.

(soft ;)

must be taken to keep it closely corked. To use it, pour a little into a cup, and, dipping in it a soft sponge, bathe the eruption with it five or six times a day. Persist, and in most cases it will soon effect a cure. Should the tetter reappear in cold weather, immediately apply the solution. No. 23. A never-failing Salve for the cure of Tetter, Ringworm, Swinney, and Hheumatism, Take 3 fresh eggs. J pound fresh butter, unsalted. J gill oil of spike. J gill oil of stone. Take the eggs and break them in an earthen pot, and whip them up with a pine- wood shovel ; melt the butter on coal ; don't let it boil ; then pour the butter on the eggs ; stir them ; then mix it with the oil of stone and spike ; mix it well ; then it is ready for use. Make it the third day after new moon, and Rub the diseased part with the salve at a warm stove, or in the sun in summer. For horses, take double portions to prepare the salve. For children of 12 years of age, take 2 eggs and half the quantity of the other articles. it must be the first time used.

No. 24. A cure for the Swinney, No. 1.

Take 1 pint spirits of turpentine.

1 tablespoonful cream of tartar, pulverized 1 large teaspoouful pulverized frankincense.

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