1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



Mix all the ingredients together in a bottle, and let it stand in the sun four or ^ve days, and shako it well ; then ready. Take a feather ind grease the liseased part.

No. 25. Another cure for the Swinney.

No. 2.

^ake 1 ounce oil of spike. 1 ounce oil of stone. 1 ounce oil of jumper. Mix all the above oils together; take a feather and anoint the diseased part. No. 26. A Liniment for Children's Sore Throat, Mix two parts of sweet oil and one part of spirits of hartshorn.

No. 27. To prevent Swelling from Bruises.

Apply at once a cloth five or six folds in thickness, dipped in cold water, and when it grows warm renew the wetting.

No. 28. A Liniment for Piles. Take 2 ounces emollient ointment. J ounce laudanum.

Mix these ingredients with the yolk of an eggy and work them well together, and then anoint the diseased part or sore.

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