1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart
Explorations and Discoyepjes DURmG Four Years' Wanderings ix the Wilds of Socthwestekn Africa. Importaa and exciting experidtces, full of wild adventure and instructive facts, wliic*- seem to possess a mysterious charm for every mind, and in which, the spiri a intelligent and adventurous curiosity is everywhere prominent. By CbaaIiKT' JoHX Anderson. With Illustrations. Cloth. $1 75. Livingstone's Tpayels and Eeseakches ra Given in the pleasing language of Dr. Livingstone, and rich in ta^ personal adventures and hair-breadth escapes of that most indefatigable disco- verer and interesting Christian gentleman — making a work of special valua. By David LrviNOSTONE, LL. D., D. C. S. Profusely Illustrated. Cloth. $1 75. SocTTH Africa. Travels and Discoveries in ISTorth and Central Africa. Eccounting an expedition undertaken under the auspices o. H. B M.'s Government, exhibiting the most remarkable courage, perseverance, presence of mind, and^contempt of danger and death, and immeusely important as a work of information. By Henry Barth, Ph. D., D. C. L., etc. With IIlos- Ellis' Three Yisits to Madagascar. Writ- ten in Madagascar, while on a visit to the queen and people, in which is carefully described the singularly beautiful country and the manners and customs of it* people, and from which an unusual amount of information is obtainable. By Bev. William Ellk, F.H. S. Profusely Illustrated. Cloth. $175. A Stir- ring narrative of seven year.s' explorations in Siberia, Mongolia, the Xirghnr' Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia, revealing extraordiii^ry facvs showing much of hunger, thirst, and perilous adventure, and forming a work o. rare attractiveness for every reader. By Thomas William Atkinsom. Witt numerous Illustrations. Cloth. $1 75. Hunting Scenes in the Wilds of Africa. Thrilling adventures of daring hunters — Cummiugs, Harris, and others — amon' the Lions, Elephants, Giraffes, Buffaloes, and other animals — than which few. U any works, ar« more exciting. With numerous Illustrations. Cloth. $1 75. traiions. Cloth. $1 75. I^RIENTAL AND "WESTERN SiBERIA.
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