1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart
Nicaragua; Past, Peese:n-t, Amy Futurk. Setting forth its history, the manners and customs of its inhabitants, its mines, its minerals, and other productions, and throwing light upon a subject of very great imporUnce to the masses of our people. By Peteb F. Stopt, Esq., late U. S. Vice-Consul. Cloth. $1 75. Female Liee Among the MoRMoisrs; or, Maria Ward's Disclosures. Romantic Incidents, bordering or the marTelons, which show the evils, horrors, and abominations of the Mormon system — the degradation of its females, and the consequent vices of its society. By Maria Ward, the Wife of a Mormon Elder. With Illustrations. 40,000 copies sold. Male Life Amoi^g the Mormoij^s. Detailing sights and scenes among the Mormons, with important remarks on their moral and social economy ; being a true transcript of events, viewing Mormonism from a man's standpoint, and forming a companion to the preceding volume. By AuBTiif N. Ward. Edited by Maria Ward. With Illustrations. Cloth. $1 75. Describing the adventures of Boone, Kenton, Brady, Clark, the Whetzels, the Johnsons, and others, in their fierce encounters with the Indians, and making up a work of the most entertaining and instructive character for those who delight in history and adventure. With numerous Illustrations. Cloth. $1 75. Thrilling Stories of the Great Eebel-t LION. Fearful adventures of soldiers, scouts, spies, and refugees ; daring exploit* of smugglers, guerillas, desperadoes, and others ; tales of loyal and disloyal women ; stories of the negro, and incidents of fun and merriment in camp and field. By Lieut. Charles S. Greene, late of the U. S. Army. With lUustrationi History of the War in India. Furnishing the complete history of British India, together with interesting and thrilling details which have scarcely a parallel in the world's history, to which is added a memoir of General Sir Henry Havelock. By Henry Frederick Malcolm. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. Cloth. $1 75. Cloth. $1 76. PioiTEER LiEE IN" THE West. in Oil. Cloth. $1 75.
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