1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart
No. 32. To make Godfrey's Cordial.
Dissolve \ ounce opium and one draclira oil of sassafras in two ounces spirits of wine, (alcohol.) Now mix 4 pounds of molasses with 1 gallon of boiling water ; when cold, mix the other ingredients with it. (Ready.) It will soothe the pains in children. No. 33. To make Life Tincture. {A German Medicine.) Take 1 quart good whiskey. 9 drachms aloes. 1 drachm zedora-root, bruised. 1 drachm agaric, bruised. 1 drachm saffron. 1 drachm gentian-root, bruised. 1 drachm myrrh. 1 drachm nutmeg, bruised. 2 drachms rhubarb. Distil in the sun or a warm stove a few days, tnen 't is fit for use. Dose. — For adults, 1 teaspoonful (or 60 drops) in sugar. No. 34. Liniment for Burns. Take equal parts of Florence oil, or fresh-drawn linseed-oil, and lime-water ; shake them well to- gether in a wide-mouthed bottle so as to form a liniment. This is found to be an exceedingly proper appli- V
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