1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



it clear, or in water. It strengthens the stomach and gives vigor to the system, and is an excellent remedy for dyspeptic people. I received the above recipe thirty years ago.

No. 37. A cure for Summer Complaint.

Take f teaspoonful pulverized rhubarb. 1 teaspoonful magnesia.

Put it into a teacupful of boiling water; let it stand until it is cold ; stir it well. Then add 2 tea- spoonfuls of good brandy, and sweeten it with loaf sugar. Dose. — For a child 1 to 3 years old, 1 teaspoonful five or six times a day. How to prepare food : Take a handful of flour tie it into a clean cloth ; boil it three hours ; after it is cold, take off the crust, and take the hard white substance and pulverize it; put into it a sufficient quantity of milk to make it thin ; let it boil one or two minutes ; stir it well with a piece of cinnamou- etick, and sweeten it with sugar.

No. 38. To make Blue Ink.

No. 1.

Take 1 ounce best Prussian blue. • If ounce oxalic acid. 1 pint water. Let it dissolve, when it will be ready for ase.

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