1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



and sugar are prepared for the dressing of pud- dings, divided into three parts, and given at inter- vals of twenty minutes, will relieve any case of croup which is not ah-eady allowed to progress to the fatal point.

No. 67.

Said to be a certain Cure for a Felon,

" Take a pint of common soft soap, and stir in it air-slaked lime till it is of the consistency of gla- ziers' putty. Make a leather thimble, fill it with this composition and insert the finger therein, and change the composition once in twenty minutes, and a cure is certain." Buffalo {N, Y.) Cora. Adva^tiser, *' We happen to know that the above is a certain remedy, and recommend it to any who may be troubled with that disagreeable ailment." Public Ledger, No. 68. A sure and simple Cure for Dysentery. No. 1. Drink a gill (or teacupful) of West India (or Trinidad) molasses. This is a dose for adults; children in proportion.

No. 69.

No. 1.

To cure the Cancer.

Take bread dough the size of an Qgg^ old hog's lard the same quantity, mix it well, and spread it on white leather, and apply it to the sore.

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