1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



No. 130. Qxam- Cakes.


Beat the whites of 9 eggs to a stiff froth ; gently with a spoon, lest the froth should fall ; egg grate the rinds of 2 lemons, shake in gently a spoonful of double-refined sugar sifted fine ; lay a wet sheet of paper on a tin, and with a spoon drop the froth in. little lumps on it near each other ; sift a good quantity of sugar over them, set them in an oven after the bread is out, and close up the mouth of it, which will occasion the froth to rise. As soon as they are coloured they will be sufficiently baked ; lay them by two bottoms to- gether on a sieve, and dry them in a cool oven. stir it and to every white of an How to make Muffins. Mix a gill of fine flour. If pints of w^arm milk and water, with I pint of good yeast, and a little salt, stir them together for a quarter of an hour, then strain the liquor into a quarter of a peck of fine flour; mix the dough well, and set it to'i-se for an hour, then roll it up and pull it into small pieces; make them up in the hand like balls, and lay flan- nel over them while rolling to keep them warm. The dough should be closely covered up the whole time ; when the whole is rolled into balls, the first that are made will be ready for baking. When they are spread out in the right form for muffins, lay theni on tins and bake them, and as the bottom be- gins to change colour turn them on the other side. No. 131.

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