1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



two days in the sun ; then put them into a bottle, pour on them a pint of vinegar, closely stop the bottle, and infuse for 15 days in moderate heat, of the sun.

No. 157.

How to make German Vinegar. Take 15 gallons soft water, 4 pounds brown sugar, J pound cream of tartar, 2 gallons whiskey. Mix, and keep it lightly covered, in a warm temperature. No. 158. How to increase the Sharpness and Strength of Vinegar, Boil 2 quarts of good vinegar till reduced to 1 then put it in a vessel and set it in the sun for a week. ITow mix the vinegar with six times its quantity of bad vinegar in a small cask: it will not only mend

it, but make it strong and agreeable.

No. 159. General Remarks on Dyeing.

Cleanliness The vessel and the articles to be dyed must be rid of grease and dirt, as grease resists the colouring-par- ticles and dirt leaves a stain. Soft water should always be used for dyeing. Vessels used for dyeing small articles should generally be wash-basins, small copper and tinned pans, and sufficiently large that the dyeing-liquor be not spilled by dipping the articles in and out when dyeing. The quantity of liquor generally necessary for dyeing a dress of mus- in dyeing is very essential.

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