1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart
No. 445. Draught for the same.
No. 2. Take of Venice turpentine 1 ounce, beat it up with the yolk of an Qgg, and then add of pepper- mint-water, or even of common water, if the other is not at hand, li pints and 2 ounces of whiskey or gin. This will serve for one dose. Another. — Take of table-beer, a little warmed, 1| pints, common pepper, or powdered ginger, 1 tea- spoonful ; gin, whiskey or rum, from 2 to 4 ounces or from 1 to 2 glassfuls : these mix together for one dose. Another. — Oil of turpentine 1 ounce, and water- gruel 1| pints, mixed, tor a dose. These and the like preparations may be given, either out of a bottle or drench-horn, one or two persons raising and keeping properly up the horse's head, while another, who administers the medicine, pulls out, and a little aside, the tongue, with his left hand, and with the other pours in the draught. Cordial drenches of the kinds recommended, with the clyster, will have the effect, in ordinary cases, to relieve the disorder. But should this not be the case, after waiting an hour or two, (longer or shorter ac- cording to the severity of the ailment, or the period since its commencement,) then the medicine should be repeated, but in a less dose than at first, — perhaps one-half or two-thirds of the former quantity. The horse should be occasionally walked out, properly No. 446. Further Treatment.
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