1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart
Boap, and in aluming them you may use a little sugar of lead.
No. 171. Gray on Silk.
Take 4 or 6 ounces of fine pow-
For a silk dress :
dered galls, and pour on them boiling water ; your silk in this for 20 or 30 minutes. In another form, dissolve a piece of green copperas about the size of a nut. Handle your silk through this, and it will be a gray, more or less dark, according to the quantity of drugs. handle
No. 172.
Slate on Silk, To make a slate, take another pan of warm water and about a teacupful of logwood-liquor, pretty strong, and a piece of pearlash of the size of a nut. Take the above gray-coloured goods and handle a little in this liquor, and it is finished. Note. — If too much logwood is used, the colour will be too dark.
No. 173.
Olive on Silk. By adding a little fustic-liquor to the above siate, it will form an olive : it may be necessary to run them through a weak pearlash- water to saddeu them. Wash in two waters for the above three colours. They vdll keep their colour very well.
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