1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



drachm or more of calomel may be given in warm beer, from a horn or bottle, for three or four morn- ings, if the disorder is violent.

No. 468. To cure the Red Water in Cattle.

Take 1 ounce Armenian bole, | ounce dragon's blood, 2 ounces Castile soap, and 1 drachm rock- alum. Dissolve these in a quart of hot ale or beer, and let it stand until it is blood-warm. Give this as one dose, and, if it should have the desired eftect, give the same quantity in about 12 hours after. This is an excellent medicine for changing the water, and acts as a purgative. Every farmer that keeps any number of cattle should always have doses of it by him. The following composition has been found to suc- ceed in many cases ^hich were apparently drawing to a fatal termination : Take of powdered rhubarb, 2 drachms ; castor-oil, 1 ounce ; kali, prepared, 1 teaspoonful. Mix well together in a pint of warm milk. If the first dose does not answer, repeat it in 36 hours. If the calf will suck, it will be proper to allow him to do it. No. 469. 2b cure the Scouring in Cattle.

No. 470. Cure for Cattle Swelled with Green Food.

When any of your cattle happen to get swelled with an overfeed of clover, frosty turnips, or such

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