1867 The American Barkeeper by a Practical Liquor Manufacturer



Sqnarza's Celebrated California Punches. These Punches have gained a world-wide reputation. All who have ever tried them join in pronouncing them far superior to any similar beverages concocted. I iiave secured them with considerable trouble and expense,and am well satisfied tiiey will be a .sure source of profit to any dealer taking the trouble to make them. SQUAllZA'S RUM PUNCH. Two gallons Jamaica rum; 1 quart sweet milk; 1 pint of grape juice; 2 oranges; 2 lemons; 1 oz cinnamon; oil of rose 1 drop. Run through a strainer. Serve in a small bar glass, adding half teaspoonfiil sugar, with a little hot or cold water as required. SQUARZA'S SWEDISH PUNCH. Two gallons Jamaica rum; I pint best claret; 4 orange; 1 lemon;a little cinnamon; oil of wintergreen 1 drop. Serve as rum punch. COGNAC PUNCH. Compound the same as rum punch,substituting cognac for rum. ARRAG PUNCH. The same as rum punch,omitting milk, adding a gill of Magg bitters. KIRSCHWASSER PUNGTI. Compound the same as arrac punch. MORNING COMFORT. Use sherry wineglass; to the yolk of egg add one-third Curacjoa; fill with brandy. SQUARZA'S PINE-APPr>E PIJNGH. Juice of 4 dozen pine-apples;4 gallon rum; 1 pint sherry wine: 1 lb. sugar; 4 orange, and 4 lemon; a little rum; run tlarough a strainer,and is ready for use. Serve in small bar glass. SQUARZA'S STRAWBERRY PUNCH. 10 lbs. Strawberry juice; compound the same as pine apple; serve likewise.

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