1867 The American Barkeeper by a Practical Liquor Manufacturer
sugar,if desirable. Four gallons common whisky will give this a good body;and two gallons of strong decoc tion of dried peaches will give it a flavor. The above cider is so i)erfect an imitation of real apple cider that the best judges cannot detect the difference. It can be made for 20 cents per gallon. This cider is that intended for the base of the winesspoken of above. ROOT BEER. Five lbs s\igar; 4 gals, water; A lb cream tartar; i oz oil of wintergreen ; A oz oil of sassafras; i lb hops; i lb malt. Let stand 24 houi's in a warm place,and 36 hours in a cold place, or until it becomes clear. GINGER POP. Four lbs sugar; CO gallons water; d lbs syrup;7 lbs ginger; mix; then let stand until clear-. CHAMPAGNE CIDER. Thirty lbs sugar; 30 gallons water, boiled together; A lb tartaric acid;4 lbs dried apples;3 whites of eggs;mix well together; then let stand until clear.*' COMMON I)0:\IESTIC BRANDY. i-Mcohol 40 gals(90 per cent); water 40 gals; tincture Guinea peppers 2 gals; nitric ether 2oz; acetic ether 4oz; sulphuric acid 1 oz. This brandy can be made anywhere in California for 55 cents a gal.,and contains no poisons. COGNAC BRANDY. 95 per cent,alcohol 40 gals; water 25 gals;strong green tea 1 gal; tincture grains paradise 1 gal; white sugar 20 lbs; acetic other 4 oz; color with burnt sugar. This is a very strong brandy. JAMAICA RUM. Pure spirit 50 gals; white sugar 30 lbs; pale ale 2 gaks; sulphur 2 oz; Jamaica rum 4 gals; acetic ether 6 oz.
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