1868 The complete Practical Distiller



been said that neither of these will succeed when put to the test of the vitriolic solution. A quantity of oak-bark shavings, deposited for some time in spirits of wine, will form a dilute tincture of oak; this may be added to colour spirits, instead of burnt sugar. 1 pint of parched or burnt wheat will give an agreeable colour to 1 barrel of whisky, and will improve the



To effect this, take 65 or 70 gallons of rum, from 7 tc 8 gallons of lemon -juice, 6 or 7 gallons of orange-juice, (both fresh expressed from the fruit,) orange-wine' 30 gallons, 2 pounds of the rind of fresh lemon-peel, and 1 pound of the rind of fresh orange-peel, (both pared off as thin as possible, and previously steeped for a few days in the rum,) and 100 pounds of loaf-sugar. Fill up the cask, of 120 or 130 gallons, with pure spring-water; rouse them well together. If not sweet enough, sweeten to suit you; if too sweet, add more lemon-juice. Dissolve your sugar in part of the water used for mak- ing up your shrub ; let it stand till fine, set up on end, with a cock near the bottom.

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