1868 The complete Practical Distiller
Another preparation, somewhat similar to the one just spoken of, will here be given ; it is superior to the former in several respects. There are substances in this compound which are intended to make it more agreeable to the taste, and at the same time more generous in its influence on the stomach. It is thus prepared : — Take of gentian-root, sliced, 2 ounces; columbo-root, bruised, half an ounce; bark of wild-cherry, bruised, 1 ounce; yellow rind of Seville orange-peel, dried, 1 ounce; car- damom-seeds, freed from the husk and bruised, half an ounce ; French brandy, 3 pints. Digest without heat, and strain oflF the bitters. A table-spoonful three times a day, just before eating, will have a wonderful effect on weak and debilitated con-
PEOCESS FOR MAKING A DIURETIC AND STOMACHIC COMPOUND. By the terra ^^ diuretic,'^ we mean a substance that will act on the system through the medium of the kid neys, and thus carry off much effete and offensive matter. This compound is made in the following manner : — Take a bottle that holds 2 or 3 quarts ; put into it 2 pints of good brandy, and add the following seeds, well beaten
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