1868 The complete Practical Distiller

22 HENRY CAREY BAIRD'S CATALOGUE. rPHOMAS.— THE MODERN PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. ^ By R. W. Thomas, F. C. S. 8vo., cloth ... 75 rPHOMSON.— FREIGHT CHARGES CALCULATOR. By Andrew Thomson, Freight Agent . . . $1 25 rnURNBULL.— THE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH : With an Historical Account of its Rise, Progress, and Present Condition. Also, Practical Suggestions in regard to Insula- tion and Protection from the effects of Lightning. Together with an Appendix, containing several important Telegraphic Devices and Laws. By Lawrence Tnrnbull, M. D., Lectu- rer on Technical Chemistry at the Franklin Institute. Revised and improved. Illustrated. 8vo. ... $3 00 rnjRNER'S (THE) COMPANION : Containing Instructions in Concentric, Elliptic, and Eccentric Turning; also various Plates of Chucks, Tools, and Instru- ments ; and Directions for using the Eccentric Cutter, Drill, Vertical Cutter, and Circular Rest ; with Patterns and Instruc- tions for working them. A new edition in one vol. 12mo. $1 50 TTLRICH— DUSSAUCE.— A COMPLETE TREATISE ON THE ART ^ OF DYEING COTTON AND WOOL: As practised in Paris, Rouen, Mulhausen, and Germany. From the French of M. Louis Ulrich, a Practical Dyer in the principal Manufactories of Paris, Rouen, Mulhausen, etc. ; to which are added the most important Receipts for Dye- ing Wool, as practised in the Manufacture Impdriale des Go- belins, Paris. By Professor H. Dussauce. 12mo. $3 00 TTRBIN— BRULL.— A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR PUDDLING ^ IRON AND STEEL. By Ed. Urbin, Engineer of Arts and Manufactures. A Prize Essay read before the Association of Engineers, Graduate of the School of Mines, of Liege, Belgium, at the Meeting of ]8G5 — 6. To which is added a Comparison of the Resisting Properties OF Iron and Steel. By A. Brull. Translated from the French by A. A. Fesquet, Chemist and Engineer. In oae volume, 8vo. . $1 00 TTTATSON.— A MANUAL OF THE HAND-LATHE. By Egbert P. Watson, Late of the *' Scientific American," Author of "Modern Practice of American Machinists and Engineers." In one volume, 12mo. (In press.) etc

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