1868 The complete Practical Distiller



through the conduit x R, from whence it passes into the condenser, through k l, which is fixed on the upper part .of it. It contains a worm, into which the vapours are condensed, and leave through v in the liquid state. A cock w is used to discharge the worm when the working period is at an end. VI. The Reservoir. — The reservoir contains the wine intended for distillation; a cock p is fixed to it; the degree of aperture of the latter is regulated by the quantity of wine with which the apparatus is to be sup- plied in a given time. But as this quantity may often vary, according to the unequal pressures caused by the unequal heights of the liquid contained in the reservoir, the height and pressure are consequently regulated by means of the following regulator. VII. The Regulator. — u, is a small vessel into which the wine is introduced, either by means of a pump, or runs into it naturally if it can be so contrived. Its infe- rior part is provided with a cock, which opens or shuts according as the liquid sinks or rises in the reservoir. This result is obtained by means of a float q. It is filled through u, which is the highest part of the apparatus. Thus the wine comes into the still, and fills it to the height required, which is indicated by the glass level; then the distilling column is charged with that portion of the w\ne which is to oppose the passage of the steam. At this period the condenser and refrigerator are full ; the introduction of the wine is suspended for a MODE OF WORKING THIS APPARATUS.

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