1868 The complete Practical Distiller



condenser ; there they take the liquid state, but as they are in contact with wine which they have already rendered very warm, they cannot be cooled there. They are suitably cooled in the refrigerator, where they are brought into contact with cold wine. The advantages offered by the apparatus now under consideration are First, to be able, within a given time, according to the size of the boiler, to distil a much greater quantity of wine than can be done by any other apparatus, depriving the same of all the spirit it contains. Secondly, to be managed easily and without much la- bour, as there is no necessity for repeatedly charging the for two men may at pnce direct two or three of these machines without fatigue, having no other charge than that of watching and supplying the fire with fuel, which, considering the small quantity made use of, is not very laborious. Thirdly, the whole apparatus can be had at a very moderate rate, compared with many others, and it pro- duces more spirit than any of them. Fourthly, it occasions a great saving in fuel. Fifthly, being simple in its mode of construction, not much room is required ; it is not liable to obstructions and is easily repaired, supposing it, which is not the case, capable of derangement. Sixthly, to furnish at will spirits of a superior quality. Seventhly, not the least quantity of water is wanted for the condensation of the vapours or to cool the spirits, the matter intended for distillation being always sufficient lo absorb the heat of the whole of the vapours produced still ;

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