1868 The complete Practical Distiller



M, tube which takes the spirituous vapours of the first 3olumn into the upper part of the second; which sends it into the pipes contained in the head. N, tube which takes the wine of the Envelope of the first column on the evaporator of the second ; this tube is only used where spirits of a low strength are to be made. o, tube by which the spirituous vapours are taken from the head into the worm. P, worm. Q, worm-tub. R, supplying the apparatus with the wine; it is to, be alimented by a larger tub. s, funnel, followed by a tube which takes the cold water into the middle of the column of the head. T, tube which takes the water into the funnel s. u, air- tube. V receives the spent-wash at the bottom of the first column, from which it proceeds into the second still through a pipe. X, funnel communicating with the outside of the still by means of a tube ; it is used for the purpose of evacu- ating the spent-wash, which, when it is above the level of the funnel, runs out of the still. y, man-hole. z, doors of the furnace and ash-hole. W, tube which aliments the tub R. No. 1, regulating cock, supplying the apparatus with wine. 2, cock to discharge the envelope of the head. 3, cock to discharge the middle of the column of the head.

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