1868 The complete Practical Distiller
If any portion of the alcohol should pass up the worm- pipe, it will become condensed in its progress, and by the position of the worm will be enabled to run back again, and pass into the vat. A small cock h is placed at thft bottom of the cone, for trying the strength of the con- densed alcohol. This apparatus may be removed froiA its present situation to another fermenting vat by draw- ing off the water and disengaging the head h from itj The plate is furnished with circular wedges round place. ) the apparatus, being turned round by the handler in a horizontal direction, becomes fixed in its place, hav- ing between the plate and the head a ring of thick leather, to prevent the gas from escaping. The sole object and novelty proposed in this improvement is to prevent the loss of alcohol in the usual process of fermenting liquors in open vats, and to return the condensed alcohol into the liquor again. INSTRUMENT TO PREVENT INEQUALITY OF HEAT IN DISTILLATION. Distillation consists principally of two operations, viz. the conversion of the matter into vapours by heat, and the condensation of the same vapours by its opposite. Therefore, that this twofold operation should be effected with promptitude, and at the least expense for combus- tibles, it is necessary that a perfect equilibrium should be established between the heat in evaporation and the con- densing cold in resisting the latter, by means of a giveu the circumference, as seen at t, i, made to act beneath hooks
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