1869 Cooling Cups and Dainty drinks by William Terrington


Chocolate Liqueurs.

| water, adding the sugar, and pouring in the boiling milk or water with one hand, slowly, while you beat it into a froth with the other ; it is then ready u for use : it deteriorates by keeping. Creme de Cacoa . — Infuse 5 oz. Caraccas cocoa- 1 oz. of cin- namon, and 1 drop essence of almonds, in 1 quart of brandy, for ten days ; strain, press, filter clear ; add 1 quart of syrup (clarified). Chocolate Parfait Amour . — Dissolve 41b. vanilla chocolate in sufficient water ; in a bottle of bi'andy, digest 1 oz. bruised cinnamon, ^ oz. of cloves, and a pinch of salt ; in three days, add the chocolate ; macerate one week ; let it be closely corked ; then strain clear. Chocolate Wine . — Infuse in a bottle of Marsala, or raisin wine, 4 oz. of chocolate, and sugar if required ; in three days strain. |i nibs (crushed), 1 pod of vanilla,


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