1869 Cooling Cups and Dainty drinks by William Terrington
Essences, 8fc.
— The juice
( Succhus Umonum).
of this valuable too well known to need any introduction, while its wholesome character is also firmly established. It is the best known remedy in scurvy, being used in large quantities in the navy for that purpose ; it is also much used in other “ ills that flesh is heir to.” Lemon-juice is very liable to spoil, if long exposed to the air ; it is, therefore, mixed with about one-tenth of its weight in brandy. The best lemons come from Messina, and the South of Europe. Oil of Lemons is obtained by the thin peel, placed in hair bags and subjected to a great pres- sure, 100 lemons producing 2 oz. of oil. Citric Acid is obtained in large quantities from the juice of the lemon and the genus Citrus. It is much used as a substitute for lemon-juice, it being the cause of the grateful acidity of the lemon, fruit is
& c. Essence of Lemons.
— Fresh lemon-peel, -lib.
oil of lemons,
spirit of wine, 1 pint ;
digest, strain, press, and filter. Lemon-scented Verbena (
Aloysia ciirodora)
much used as a substitute for balm in cups ; its
flavour and smell are much
appreciated in light-wine drinks.
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