1869 Cooling Cups and Dainty drinks by William Terrington



made principally in Dantzie, and is rectified with cinnamon, aniseed, and other aromatics. Kummel is the favourite liqueur of Russia ; the best is made at Weissenchein, in Esthonia ; that made at Riga is also very good. Chartreuse, a pleasant stomachic liqueur, is made by the Monks of the Grand Chartreuse, near Grenoble. There are as many as four varieties of this liqueur : a pure spirit, which is of a clear light green, and the bottle is incased in a turned wooden case ; a light green, which is sweet and strong ; an amber, which is not so sweet ; and the white Port. The well-known liqueur Noyeau, of which the age, and being much sought after, is both scarce and expensive. Curagoa, Cherry Brandy, and other compound best comes from Martinique, requires good and Denmark. The delicious Copenhagen Cherry Brandy, of which Heeling’s is the finest quality, is made from the small black wild cherries so These liqueurs and other exquisite concoctions are well-known to the connoisseur, who, as he passes the ambrosial plentiful in Norway. No imitation can equal the bond fide old Dutch Curacoa. liqueurs, ai'e mostly importations from Holland

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