1869 Cooling Cups and Dainty drinks by William Terrington


and Liqueurs.

lump of sugar, which infuse in 1J pint of rectified spirit, adding 1 drachm sweet fennel seeds ; in two days strain clear ; add 1 pint clarified syrup. Amour sans Jin. — Take 6 drops otto of roses, 1 3 drops oil of neroli, 1 3 drops oil of cloves ; dis- solve in a quart of pure spirits of wine, and while dissolving assist the process by agitating the liquor ; then filter clear ; add this to 7 pints of clear syrup, and colour with cochineal. Cherry Brandy , No. 1. — Bruise 31bs. of black cherries (wild ones preferable), cracking the stones ; put the mass into a jai’, with a few young cherry — Into a stewpan put Slbs. of clean picked cherries, viz., 71bs. of black and lib. of red ; let this stand on a hot plate, taking the precaution not to let the juice burn ; when well done, strain off the juice through a bag, add lib. of sugar to every 31bs. of juice ; give the juice and sugar a boil up : when cool, add equal quantities of brandy and juice. Cherry Brandy, No. 3. — To each pint of brandy add lib. of Morello cherries, J pint of the expressed juice of small black cherries, 3 bruised leaves ; add 3 pints of brandy, or pure spirit ; in three months strain off ; add 21bs. of clear sugar, after which it will be ready for use in a week. Cherry Brandy, No. 2.

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