1869 Cooling Cups and Dainty drinks by William Terrington



— Of aniseed use 60 drops;

Liqueur cl’


oil of angelica, 1 5 drops ;

oil of cassia, 1 0 drops

oil of carraway, 8


proof spirit,




keep closely corked. Imperial Nectar.

— Infuse in 1 pint spirits of

wine 1 oz.

of bruised blanched apricot or peach

kernels 1 scruple oil of orange, J grated nutmeg, 2 drachms oil of cinnamon, 1 drop oil of cloves; add 1 quart of raisin wine, ^ pint caramel ; put these ingredients into a stone bottle for a month or longer; add 2 drops essence of lemon; after this has been in another fortnight, filter clear ; add 4 pints boiling milk ; filter and bottle. Noyeau , No. 1. — Macerate Jib. French plums, bruised to a pulp ; add the thin peel rind of 1 Seville or 2 sweet oranges, &c., loz. sweet almonds bruised in a covered vessel, and pour in 1 quart of spirits of wine for one month; strain, with pressure; add 1 drop oil of cinnamon, and 2 J pints of weak syrup ; colour with a little saffron. Noyeau , No. 2. — Take lib. of peaches, lib. of apricots sliced, and the stones well smashed; put the fruit into a jar, with lib. of good loaf-sugar ; add peeling of 1 orange ; pour on 1 pint of water just off the boil ; cover ; digest the stones in 1 quart of ;

daj'S, which add to the

of wine for four


; in a week strain clear, by pressure.

fruit, &c.

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