1869 Cooling Cups and Dainty drinks by William Terrington
and Liqueurs.
seeds, which
bitter almonds, and ^lb. coriander
when well flavoured,
digest in 2 quarts of cognac ;
quart of
when fit, mix, strain
sugar, 2 drops essence of apple ;
again, and bottle. Peach Brandy. — Slice 1 |lb. of peaches ; bruise half the stones of same, put them together in a jar ; add 1 quart of prn-e spirits ; digest for one month add 1 lb. best refined sugar ; in a few days strain with pressure ; clear; add a few drops orange flower; — Take 2 \ oz. powdei'ed bitter almonds, 1J gallon of alcohol, 2-£ gallons of water ; mix ; macerate for 24< hours ; add strained syrup of 2lbs. of sugar, 1 pint of peach jelly, 3 oz. preserved ginger, juice and peel of one lemon ; digest in two or three days strain clear. Raspberry or Strawberry Liqueur. — Take 2 gills of the juice of either fruit, 2 gills of alcohol ; macerate for six days; add pint of syrup, and, if agreeable, 1 drop essence of vanilla ; strain. Raspberry Brandy. — To a pint of water add in a covered vessel ] quart of red or white raspberries, and 1 quart of brandy, 3 lb. of loaf- sugar ; keep for one month ; strain clear. Hawthorn Ratafia. — Fill a bottle with the bios- bottle for use. Imperial Peach Brandy.
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