1869 Cooling Cups and Dainty drinks by William Terrington
Ale and Beer.
biscuits in a bag, with some bops, and put these in the cask. To give New Ale the Flavour of Old . — Take out the bung and put in a sliced Seville orange. Malt liquors will ofttimes be protected from the effects of electricity by placing over the casks a rod of iron. In cleansing brewing utensils, be careful not to use soap or any greasy material ; a good brush and scalding water will generally thoroughly cleanse them, but all the fur on the sides or bottom must be removed ; after this, they should be well drained, and left in some airy situation to sweeten. If they are still found to be tainted, take wood ashes, and boil them to a strong ley, which spread over the bottoms of the vessels scalding hot ; then scrub with a brush or broom, or throw some stone lime into water in the vessel, and scrub over the bottom and sides, rinsing well with clean water. In some it is necessary to wash with oil of vitriol, diluted with seven or eight times its bulk of water. Fresh burnt charcoal can also be employed. To Cure or Prevent Foxing . — Cut a handful of hyssop small, mix it with a handful of salt, and put it into a cask ; then stir and stop close ; or, infuse a handful of hops and a little salt of tartar in boiling cases
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