1869 Haney's steward & barkeeper's manual a complete and practical guide for preparing all kinds of plain and fancy mixed drinks and popular beverages .. (1869)

ROGUES AND ROGUERIES. A aew, revised, and enlarged edition of this work baa just been issued, including, in addition to its former ex posures of fraud and rascality, fall descriptions of all the new humbugs and swindles, so that the work now includes all the principal dodges" by which the thought- less or unwary are victimised. " Rogues and Rogueries"! has been the means of putting thousands upon their guard I against the sharpers who so skillfully set their snares, and who so persistently prey upon the* public. Fraud often lurks under the most innocent guise, and even the wisest and most cautious persons cannot always be certain that they will not be defrauded. Read this book before you send your money to any unknown person. Read it before you embark in any scheme, however plausible it may ap- pear. There will be no harm done, and you may, thereby, learn something of which you were not aware, and be saved the mortification and loss you might otherwise incur. All the tricks and traps of great cities, all swindles through the mails, jewelry and gift schemes, petroleum and mining swindles, quack doctors, lotteries and " policy" schemes, fortune-tellers, gamblers' tricks, patent safe dodge, matri- monial advertisements, pocket-book dropping, thimble- rigging, concert saloons, love powders and dangerous cos- metics, situation agencies, sewing machine swindles, travel- ing swindlers, confidence operators, professional beggars, counterfeiters, and many other classes of sharpers too aumerous to mention. The book is both interesting and valuable in a rare degree. ' " Its perusal will be attended not only with pleasure, but with profit." Jersey City American Standard u A valuable and entertaining work on the tricks, traps, dangers, and temptations of the great metropolis. * * * To the uninitiated in mysteries of life in a large city, the * Rogues and Rogueries" will prove of unfailing interest" Watchman, Monticello, N. F. " New York and other cities are full of traps for the j green ? uns," and it is much better to know all about them 1 than to Incur the liability of buying the knowledge by ex- i perience at a high figure. We therefore commend this book to the uninitiated. Yankee Blade. Illustrated. Price, only Twenty-five Cents.

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