1869 Haney's steward & barkeeper's manual a complete and practical guide for preparing all kinds of plain and fancy mixed drinks and popular beverages .. (1869)

PREFATORY. The object of this work is to afford simple as well as popular directions for the production of mixed drinks. Drinking, the world over, but more particularly in America, is a fixed and recognized social custom — a social custom in and by itself. Even that perpendicular drinking, as it is termed, which so abounds among us, where the ceremony is rapidly gone through with, is, with the growth of our population, steadily on the increase. The revenues de- rived from the bars of many of our hotels and leading res- taurants is sufficient to pay all the expenses, leaving the profits from other sources clear and untouched. At very many of our watering places the bars are leased or rented of the proprietors of the hotels at a handsome figure, by persons altogether disconnected with the other departments of the establishment, and a large interest realized on the investment. Numerous and varied as is the list of our mixed or fancy drinks, as they are sometimes called, we do not despair of incorporating in these pages all, and even more than those common to the United States, so as to enable any person, with a little practice and strict attention to our recipes, to become in a short time thoroughly ait fait in their produc- tion. In addition to the benefit to be derived from a perusal of our work by those who propose making bar tending a business, the author has borne in mind those whose tastes may incline them to conviviality, and for this pur- pose incorporated a number of recipes derived from a multiplicity of sources for the concoction of many delicious beverages in quantities suited to the occasion. They are each and all of them reliable recipes, and will be found, on trial, to be in every particular what they appear in print. At the great Paris exposition, the American bar was one of the novelties and attractions ; and cocktails in the morn- ing were in demand among the people of every nationality. To the extensive formulas for American beverages we have added Cordials, Liqueurs, Bitters, and other recipes which will, we think, add materially to the value of our Manual. While it is not designed to advocate or commend

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