1871 The Gentleman's Table Guide by E Ricket and C Thomas

The Gentleman's Table Guide.


No. 16.-THE LOVING CUP. (the city companies.)

|W0 bottles of port wine, 1 do. of sherry, 1 do. of claret, 1 gill of cognac, the peel of 2 fresh lemons cut very thin. Take 1 oz. of the following spices :—Cinnamon, cloves, and allspice boiled in a pint of water untUit is reduced one half; strain off, and when cold add the juice of 2 fresh lemons, sweeten to taste, flavour withl glass each Maraschino andcura9oa; place the ingredients imbedded in rough ice for 1 hour. Just previous to serving add 2 bottles of seltzer water and 1 of soda water, thin slices of lemon, and grated nutmeg on the top. Note.—It is the ancient custom at all the civic festivities, after the grace has been said or sung, and the " Toast Master" has duly announced the names of the principal guests, for the Master or President to rise and take the loving cup, bidding them all a hearty welcome ; the guest on his left rising at the same time and taking oil the cover, which he holds in his right hand; he then returns the coverto its place; after they have bowed their acknowledgments to each other the cup is then passed round, each taking off the cover in his turn. The origin of one holding the cover while the other is drinking was, according to our antiquarians, to prevent any treachery such as was occasionally practised by the Ancient Britons, the right hand being employed in holding the cover instead of a dagger. No. 17.—THE LOVING OR GRACE CUP. 1^0 1bottle of Muscat or Malmsey Madeira addhalf a pint of cberrybrandy, 1 glass of pineapple syrup, thejuiceandpeel ofa fresb

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