1871 The Gentleman's Table Guide by E Ricket and C Thomas

The Gentleman's Table Guide.


No. 33.-PUNCH, ICED. as thin as possible the rinds of 2 China oranges, of 2 fresh lemons, and 1 Seville orange, and infuse them for 1 hour in half pint of cold syrup ; then add to them the juice of the fruit; make a pint of strong green tea, sweeten it well with sugar or candy, and when it is quite cold add it to the fruit and syrup, with a glass of old rum, a glass of cognac, 1 do. arrack, 1 do. of pineapple syrup, 2 bottles of cham pagne ; pass the whole through a fine lawn sieve until it is perfectly clear ; then bottle and put it into rough ice until dinner is served. Rinds and juice of 2 China oranges, 2 do. lemons, 1 Seville orange, half pint of thin syrup or capillaire, 1 pint of strong green tea, 1 glass each rum, brandy, ai-rack, pineapple syrup, 2 bottles of champagne, iced lor 2 hours. M.B.—Arrack is distilled from the juice of the cocoa-nut tree; also fronj. rice.- The flowers of benzone, a few grains, impart the flavour of arrack. Immense saving of time and trouble by using liaiipolt's essence of punch. liefer to the advertisement. No. 34.-PUNCH, MILK. [ARE 20 lemons very thin, steep the same ' 3 days in 1 quart of old rum, add 2 quarts of brandy, the juice of 10 Seville oranges and 10 lemons, 3 quarts of water that has

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