1871 The Gentleman's Table Guide by E Ricket and C Thomas

The Gentleman's Table Guide.


No. 54.-CHERRY BRANDY. ^A.KE the largest black cherries you can obtain, mash them in a tub, and squeeze them through a coarse tammy cloth until 1 gallon of juice is obtained; add three pints of proof brandy; placed in a jar, dissolve 6 lbs. of sugar candy in 3 pints of boiling water. Filter and bottle. No. 55.-CHERRY BRANDY. aAKE 2 lbs. of Morella cherries, 1 pint of Ip juice of black cherries, 6 bruised bitter almonds, 2 lbs. of sugar candy, 1 quart brandy, proof; macerate for 1 month. Filter the same as No. 51. No. 56.-0RANGE BRANDY. 9^1^)0 every half gallon of brandy allow three- quarters of a pint of Seville orange juice, IJlb.ofloafsugaror candy. Process: To bring out the full flavour ofthe orange peel, rub, a few lumps of sugar on2 or 3 unpared oranges, and put these lumps to the rest; mix the brandywith the orange juice strained, the rinds of6 ofthe oranges pared very thin; let all stand in a closely-covered jar for about 3 days; stirring it 3 or 4 times a day; when clear- it should be bottled, sealed, and closely corked for a year. It will then be ready for use, but will keep for any length of time.

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