1871 The Gentleman's Table Guide by E Ricket and C Thomas


96—Meteopolitah Hotbi. U.S. Punch 97.—Fifth Avenue Hotel Punch

47 47 48 48 49 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 63 64 66 67 2G

98.—Soda Ceeams 99.—Feuit Syeups 100.—Gin Sling 101.—Gm Twist 102.—Washtngton

103.—Peesident Lincoln 104.—Geneeal Geant . 105.—^Nightcap 106.—Ameeican Lemonade 107.—Lemonade 108.—Ceanqeadb 109.—Cheeeyade 110.—CUEEANTADE 111.—Heebs 112.—Freezing Mixtuee Wedding Beeakfast

Ball Suppee and Eepeeshments Dinnee Bills op Fare and Wines The Appetibee . . . •

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