1871 The Gentleman's Table Guide by E Ricket and C Thomas


to see to their own wines, cups, and liqueurs. There are experienced butlers who, hke all butlers jfrom the time of Pharaoh, have occa sionally been in difficulties in compounding seasonable drinks; and upper servants are frequently tmcertain as to the exact order of servhig the wines with the proper dishes. For all these, as well as for hotel and tavern proprietors and their attendants, this book is intended. The recipes (many of them entirely original) have aheady been adopted with acclamation by a number of connoisseurs whose reputation entitles them to be re garded as a committee of taste. All the recipes have been subjected to repeated experiments, and have been col lected during visits to France and Russia. The art of mixing American drinks, which is a special feature of this volume, was acquired in the United States of America, under the instruction of a celebrated pro fessor, whose imsurpassed manipulation was

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