1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)
SODA-WATER and other Aerated Draughts owe their effervescence to carbonic acid gas; they are in much request during hot weather to allay thirst, and in a feverish condition of the human frame. Many natural mineral waters are aerated. Mineral waters are divided into four classes: carbonated (as Seltzer, &c.); chalybeate (as Cheltenham, &c.) ; Saline (as Seidlitz, &c.) ; sul- phurous (as Harrogate, &c). Aerated Chalybeate Water (Aqua chalybeata) contains proto-sulphate of iron, and bicarbonate of potassa; it is an easy and excellent mode of intro- ducing iron into the blood, and is much recom- mended on that account, possessing equal tonic properties to that of the natural springs. Carrara^ or Carbonated Lime Water, is an aerated solution of bicarbonate of lime; the Dest I
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