1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)
Effervescent Draughts. H7 grains ; pulverized citric acid, 17 grains; keep separate ; when required for use, add 1 drop essence of lemon; dissolve in separate tumblers; mix; drink while effervescing. Effervescent Draught, No. 2.—Bicarbonate of potash in solution 1 scruple; fresh lemon-juice (cleared), 4 drachms; water, 1 oz. Effervescent Draught, No. 3.—-Carbonate of soda, 30 grains; tartaric acid, 25 grains; tincture of calumba, 15 drops ; syrup of orange-peel, 2 fluid drachms ; water distilled, 2 fluid oz. Mix these ingredients, except the tartaric acid, in the water ; mix the tartaric acid in another tumbler, with two table-spoonfuls of water; pour in the pre- vious mixture, and drink while effervescing. CitraticKali. —Carbonate of soda, 2 oz.; tartaric acid (or citric), 2J oz.; powdered loaf-sugar, 6 oz. ; essence of lemon, 1 scruple; oil of orange, 1 scruple ; neroli, 1 scruple ; pound the sugar ; add the oils and essence; mix the soda and acid well; when dry, bottle; cork tight; add dessert spoonful in a soda- water-glassful of water. Sherbet. —Powdered white sugar, lib.; carbonate of soda, 2 oz. ; tartaric acid, 3 oz. ; essence of lemon, 1 drachm ; mix well a teaspoonful of the powder in a tumbler of cold water. Very refreshing Imperial. —Lemon-peel, | oz.; cream of tartar,
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