1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)
Lemon Sherbets. 119 Refrigerent Draught. —Carbonate of potash, 1 scruple ; syrup of orange-peel, 1 drachm; spirit of nutmeg, \ drachm; distilled water, 12 drachms; tablespoonful of lemon-juice; mix ; drink while effervescing. Lemon Sherbet, No. 1.—Whit e sugar, 31bs.; carbonate of soda, lib.; essence of lemon, 2J drachms; mix ; put 3 drachms in each blue paper; make as many corresponding powders of J drachm of tartaric acid each. Lemon Sherbet, No. 2.—Rub the zest of a lemon with a lump of sugar ; the sugar must not exceed Joz. (or one drop of essence of lemon on same); pound it with 12 grains of citric acid ; mix with a glass of water. Lemon Sherbet, No. 3.—White sugar, powdered, 51bs.; citric acid, 2 oz.; essence of lemon-grass, 1 drachm ; essence of neroli, 1 drachm ; essence of lemon, 3 drachms; mix it into 2|- drachm papers, and preserve in a dark-coloured bottle, well corked, each powder sufficient for a glass of lemonade; it can be aerated by the addition of some bicarbonate of soda. Lemon Sherbet, No. 4.—10 oz. powdered tarta- ric acid, 4 lbs, 6 oz. powdered sugar, 1 drachm oil of lemon; mix well together; keep dry.
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