1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

Loving Cups. 185 Me Cup, or Jehu's Nectar. —Into a quart pot grate some ginger ; add a wine-glass of gin-and- bitters; then a pint of good ale (heated). This should be drunk while it is frothing. Ale Cup. —Bottle of Edinburgh ale, 2 bottles of ginger beer, J gill syrup from preserved ginger, slice of cucumber, pint of shaven ice ; mix to- gether ; stir well, and pour into thin glasses. Ale Cup. —Bottle of good ale ; pint of lumps of ice. Loving Cup. —1 pint of Mountain, 1 pint of Madeira, 1 pint of Lisbon, 1 bottle of champagne, 1 gill of Cognac, juice of 1 lemon, peel of half another rubbed on sugar ; sweeten and spice to taste; when well mixed, strain clear; on serving, add ice. Loving Cup. —Into a bowl put some toasts of bread; add 6 oz. of sugar (1 lump saturated with orange-flower water); grate J nutmeg; add equal quantities of cinnamon and ginger, in powder ; pour on a quart of good ale, 1 bottle of sherry, and, im- mediately before drinking, 1 bottle of soda-water. Councillors Cup. —Rinds of 2 oranges, rubbed off with sugar, and steeped in J pint of brandy, which add to the strained juice of 1 lemon and \ pint of orange-juice, and a pint of water ;

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