1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

Pope, Cardinal, 8fc. 189 Pope. —Roast 3 bitter Seville oranges to a pale brown colour, which lay in a heated vessel; add lib. of pounded loaf-sugar, press the oranges and sugar together ; add 2 bottles of mulled Burgundy, and 1 pint of hot water. Cardinal. —Cut 3 Tangerine oranges in slices, add J oz. bruised cinnamon (or 3 drops essence of cinnamon), a little mace, 3 drops essence of nut- meg, 3 bruised cardamom seeds, and 4 oz. of dis- solved barley-sugar in 1 pint of hot water; cover, and let the mixture simmer for half an hour ; strain clear with pressure ; add 1 quart of Ehenish wine, which warm up ; if too highly flavoured, add more wine. N.B.—Cardinal is also made with champagne, and roasted orange infused in it. Archbishop. —Stick a Seville orange full of cloves; roast it before a fire ; cut it in halves, and cover it with sugar; add 1 bottle of mulled white wine, either sherry or Marsala. N.B.—Claret is sometimes used for archbishop. Beadle. —Pound \ oz. cinnamon, 4 cloves, and J oz. ginger together; add J 1b of sugar and 1 pint of boiling water and strain; add the liquor carefully to 2 yolks of eggs ; beat up, then 1 glass of raisin, and 6 glasses of ginger wine. To be drunk while in a state of froth.

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