1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

yolks of 2 eggs, 1 gill of cinnamon-water, 2 drops oil of cinnamon. This agreeable stimulant and restorative is of great service when used in cases of extreme exhaustion. Brandy Punch — A Sensation. —Tablespoonful of raspberry syrup, mixed with a gill of water; add 2 tablespoonfuls of white sugar, 1J brandy, juice of J lemon and J orange, 1 slice of pine- apple ; fill the tumbler with shaven ice; and smile. Lait de Poule. —Mix the yolks of 2 eggs with 2 oz. powdered sugar; add tablespoonful orange- flower water; beat up well, and add J pint boiling water. Hippocras, Hed.—l oz. cinnamon, 1 drachm coriander seeds, blade of mace, J grated nutmeg, 1 oz. bruised ginger, 3 musk mallow seeds, beaten to a powder together; add juice of ^ lemon, gill of brandy ; strain clear; 2 pints of syrup, 1 bottle of claret, and pint of boiling water. Lait Sucre. —1 lemon (sliced), Jib. loaf-sugar, boiled in a pint of milk. White-wine Whey. —Into J pint boiling milk put 2 oz. loaf-sugar, and 2 wine-glasses of white wine ; a light floating curd will be perceived ; boil for a few minutes ; strain, and serve hot. The curd should not be eaten, being indigestible.

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