1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)
Sherry. 29 chiefly from the mountains of the Asturias, and, as soon as they have acquired sufficient to retire upon, go back to their mountain homes. The Xeres grape has been planted in many places, but nowhere does it produce such fine wine as it does in its own native soil. The principal sweet and coloured Andalusian wines are known by the name of Paxarette and Uota Tente ; this last is used as a sacramental wine. There are, besides, many excellent white and red Spanish wines, among the latter of which we should mention Val de Penas, resembling Burgundy; it is made near Manzanares. Sherry wines are known in England by the names of the shippers: the brands of Domecq, Gonzales, Dubosc & Co., Cozens, and others, are towers of strength. Sherry is less adulterated than most wines. It is estimated that the annual wine produce of Spain averages upwards of 136,000,000 of gallons. Sherry is improved by being decanted not less than two hours before it is required for use. Madeira, the produce of the island so called, is a first-class wine, darker than Sherry ; it was not much known till the latter end of the seven- teenth century; since its introduction it has been extensively sought after, and much esteemed of
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