1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)
and Liqueurs. 71 tities of pure spirit, syrup and water, with a tea- spoonful orange-flower water; colour green. Elixir de Violettes. —To 1 pint of syrup of violets, J- pint syrup of raspberries, add 1 quart of pure spirit; mix, colour with blue and red, for violet. Elephant's Milk. —To 1 oz. of benzoin gum, dis- solved in 1 pint of spirits of wine, add lib. of sugar, dissolved in 1 quart of boiling water, Goldwasser. —Dissolve in 1 pint of clean spirit 1 drachm of mace, 2 drops oil of cinnamon, 3 drops oil of citron, 6 drops of aniseed, 2 drops of oil of roses; in one week strain with pressure; filter; clear; add equal quantity of clear syrup, and a few leaves of gold leaf. Ginger Gin. —Infuse 2 oz. candied orange-peel and 2 oz. bruised ginger in 2 pints of gin; add lib. loaf-sugar. Gin and Tansey. —Put some tansey in a bottle ; fill up with gin. Gin and Wormwood. —Use wormwood instead of tansey. Gin and Sherry. —Use cherries and sherry, with gin. Gingerette. —Infuse in 1 pint of pure spirit (gin or whisky) 3 oz. of bruised ginger; strain with pressure; add 1 Jibs, of sugar, and 2J
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